As the months continue to go on as I am away from my large town Texas home and am in the small snowy town of Lead, South Dakota... I'm re-learning things like, how to drive, and how to dress. Along with learning new things like, being independent yet being submissive at the same time. No matter if I'm learning something new or re-learning something I've have been doing for years I have found myself coming to a realization that learning is just the beginning of learning more. You have heard it from your parents, grandparents, on TV, on the radio, and have read it in books, that there's always more to learn or you never stop learning.
It's such a vast statement.
I'm finding out myself now that there's always something more to learn in other words there's always more room for me to grow, not only does that statement keep me humble but also it keeps my heart soft and mold-able. Knowing there's more to learn not only keeps me from letting my heart become hard but also keeps be from becoming stubborn.
When the children of Israel were in the wilderness the Bible says that not only did they have a hard heart but that they were stubborn too. Reading the chapters I see them come to a place where they thought their way was the best way, telling God they know more then him. They forgot that "there is always more to learn" and became impatient, stubborn, and hard. If they kept this small but vast statement in the forefront of their thinking that there is always more to learn or that you never stop learning do you think they would have made the same choices? Who can really know, I'm more than sure that there was way more to add on to their hard hearts then the statement above but I can't help but think there lives would have been better if they knew this life lesson. I know I could have made some wiser choice's "even lately" if I would have just kept that at the forefront of my thinking you can always learn and grow a little more.
Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut in 2011 realize this year you can learn more then you ever have before but don't forget what you already have learned.
It's like a cup of chocolate milk, if I make it take a drink then stick it in the refrigerator and come back the next day to finish it and don't re-stir it, all the yummy chocolate will be at the bottom of my cup. What I'm trying to say is if we stop string what we have learned with what we are learning we are going to be missing out on the yummy chocolate at the bottom of the cup.
Every season of life is rich and important for growth.
This statement comes to mind, I heard Brother Jesse say on a CD the other day when I was driving that he never lets his success intoxicate him but he never lets his failures paralyze him.
So in everything you do this year 2011, take it, learn, and grow from it.
Life- It's The Season Of Learning.....
-Shellby Celeste
"Disclaimer" I, know, I, over, use, and, miss, place, commas, but, it's, because, their, my, favorite. :)